Snake River的词源
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- during

- during: [14] During, like durable [14], durance [15], duration [14], duress, and endure [14], comes ultimately from the Latin adjective dūrus ‘hard’. This goes back to an earlier *drūros, which is related to Irish dron ‘solid’, Lithuanian drūtas ‘strong, solid’, and Sanskrit dāruna- ‘strong, hard’, and links with Irish daur ‘oak’ (a possible relative of druid) and Greek drus ‘oak’ suggest that its original underlying meaning was ‘oak wood’, from which ‘hard’ developed as a metaphorical extension.
The Latin verb dūrāre meant originally literally ‘harden’, but this widened (perhaps with memories of an underlying sense ‘strong, resilient’) to ‘continue in existence, last’. It is these notions of ‘continuance’, ‘strength’, and ‘perseverance’ that emerge in different proportions in durable, duration, and endure, and indeed in during, which is a translation of Old French durant, the present participle of durer ‘last’: phrases such as ‘during the day’ mean etymologically ‘as long as the day lasts’. Durance, an archaic term for ‘imprisonment’, originally denoted ‘length of sentence’, and so is virtually equivalent to the modern ‘for the duration’.
=> durable, duration, duress, endure
又作斯奈克河,美国西北部的重要河流之一,最初被刘易斯和克拉克发现,并被命名为刘易斯河,因为刘易斯认为自己是第一个看到这条河的白人(实际上,后来的证据表明,在他之前有欧洲探险家从加拿大南下到达过这条河)。后来他们沿河前进,发现河边有个比较大的部族叫做休休尼人(Shoshone),休休尼人将这条河称为”疯狂的河“,因为河水十分湍急。因此这条河又被改叫作Mad River。再后来,刘易斯和克拉克回到东部后,忆起休休尼人,只记得他们经常做一种双手弯曲扭动的手势,像蛇一样,因此刘易斯和克拉克又把这些休休尼人叫做蛇部(Snake Tribe)。再后来,流过这个部落的这条河就被叫做了蛇河,并沿用至今。
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